Here’s a look at the new federal states available at each Age:Ī unique Capitol building that can be used to train wagons. In total, the United States can have up to 30 cards at their disposal by the Imperial Age.To balance and accommodate for these extra cards, the civilization’s initial deck is smaller.Upon reaching the Imperial Age, federal states will have added 8 additional cards to a player’s deck.Each federal state adds two extra cards to your deck.Rather than picking politicians or council members to transition from Age to Age, the United States advances by admitting a new federal state to the union! Each state will offer unique, historically-salient benefits to the player that play an important role in the course of the game. The United States receives additional Experience in the form of these Book Collections, allowing them to make more effective use of their Federal Cards (see below). These Collections of Books contain knowledge that will enable your town to prosper, leading to additional support and backing from your Home City. We’ve added new crate graphics that represent the game’s Experience resource. Federate States replace traditional politicians, and add unique cards to the Home City deck over the course of a match.The US General can construct Forts instead of Town Centers.Nearby military units and buildings inflict more damage and are trained/constructed faster The US General can plant an Inspiring Flag.Can levy Minutemen at regular intervals.